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    A friendly and very active Telegram group for OSM mappers and friends in the Philippines for small talk, light banter, and quick questions and answers.

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  • youthmappers

    YouthMappers chapter at Far Eastern University -Institute of Technology

    FEU has been recognized as one of the leading universities in the Philippines. Its mission centers on producing graduates who have contributed to the advancement of the country. The university continuously challenges itself to raise the bar of excellence to achieve a top-tier status not only in the Philippines but also in the South East Asian region

  • youthmappers

    YouthMappers chapter at University of the Philippines Resilience Institute

    The UP Resilience Institute was established in 2016 with a mission statement to empower local communities through multidisciplinary research and actions toward resilience. Through UP NOAH Center, and the help of different organizations, we have provided building exposure maps for 17 provinces out of the 82 and uploaded more than 4 million footprints to OpenStreetMap.